We have a three-prong portfolio—Centers of Excellence, pilots and scale. Here in Indonesia good government data is hard to come by, so with Exemplars we designed a set of proxy indicators and a dashboard, and then hired quality assurance officers to collect data on everything from antenatal check-ups and exclusive breastfeeding rates to health post attendance and confidence in CHWs to provide growth counseling. Against this backdrop, we designed our high-fidelity Centers of Excellence to serve as “Top Gun” for CHWs. Selected village midwives and CHWs attend our training and then return to their villages as surrogate instructors, with the tools and confidence they need to prevent stunting in their villages.
SCE Manggarai Barat
GV3J+578, Puskesmas Labuan Bajo,
Labuan Bajo, Kec. Komodo, Kab. Manggarai Barat,
Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia 10294
+62 813 3333 7751
sce kab. kupang
RHFH+PVR, Puskesmas Manutapen,
Jl. Padat Karya, Manutapen, Kec. Alak, Kota Kupang,
Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia 85236
+62 811 605 2345
sce rote ndao
72CX+F5V Puskesmas Ba'a,
Namodale, Kec. Lobalain, Kab. Rote Ndao
Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia 85918
+62 812 7474 9434
sce timor tengah selatan
9QJ2+4Q3, Puskesmas Lotas, Kol Oto,
Kec. Kokbaun, Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan
Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia 85577
+62 812 4624 8424
our donors