Kredivo Join-hands with 1000 Days Fund to Prevent Stunting through 200,000 Smart Charts

Kredivo Join-hands with 1000 Days Fund to Prevent Stunting through 200,000 Smart Charts

Jakarta, June 21, 2022 – Kredivo, a leading digital credit platform for retail consumers in Indonesia, support the 1000 Days Fund, a non-profit organization that focuses on providing education on stunting prevention. Kredivo’s commitment is carried out through the distribution of Smart Charts to households as a way to improve the quality of maternal health that contributes to lower stunting rate in Frontier, Remote, and Disadvantaged Regions (3T) in Indonesia.

Stunting, or low height for age happened due to chronic malnutrition that happens for a long period of time, from the fetus in the womb until the beginning of the child’s life (the first 1000 days of life). The Indonesian government through President Jokowi emphasized that the target for the stunting prevalence rate in 2024 is at 14%.

According to data from the Indonesia Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) in 2021 by the Ministry of Health, the stunting rate in Indonesia is still at 24.4%. Therefore, to support the Indonesian government’s national strategy in stunting prevention, more efforts and support from various parties are needed.

This year, Kredivo and the 1000 Days Fund are committed to distributing 200,000 Smart Charts, an innovation in the form of educational materials containing information on the importance of the first 1000 days of life (1000 HPK) and ways to prevent stunting. To date, the Smart Charts has been distributed through a collaborative program with various parties, including the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), and the local district government.

“In addition to being committed to opening the widest possible access to finance, Kredivo also believes that everyone has the right to get equal access and opportunities to realize a healthy and happy life, wherever they are. We are pleased to be working with the 1000 Days Fund to realize one of the company’s CSR initiatives that focus on health,” said Indina Andamari, Kredivo’s Marketing & Communications VP.

“Through Kredivo’s support, we are able to support the health ecosystem in the 3T area by training more than 5,200 Posyandu Cadres (Community Health Workers – CHWs) and closing the health information gap among more than 100,000 caregivers and children in remote parts of Indonesia. Alongside Kredivo, we are excited to actively share innovative, cost-effective, and scalable solutions for stunting. Together, we are delivering a significant increase in public health literacy so that it can lead caregivers to make better and healthier decisions,” said Jessica Arawinda (Sisi), Chair of the 1000 Days Fund Foundation.

This collaboration is a continuation of last year’s collaboration between Kredivo and the 1000 Days Fund, where the two of them distributed 43,000 Smart Posters in Java, Sumatra, Bali, Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua throughout 2021. Currently, The 1000 Days Fund team also raises donations for people who want to participate in their fight against stunting through Kitabisa ( with the target of educating pregnant women and families with babies under two years old through the distribution of 2 million Smart Posters by 2024.

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